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Sleep Better RSS

Enhance Your Quality of Sleep With a Sleep Routine

Enhance Your Quality of Sleep With a Sleep Routine If you haven’t thought about creating a bedtime routine – even a simple one – and you’re frustrated with the quality of your sleep, it’s time to consider it. I know people who sometimes sleep 6 hours a night and other times, 12 hours. And, you know what? They are always tired. They lack energy, and they ask me: “If I sleep 12 hours, how can I be tired??” The answer is their sleep routine – or lack of one – is inconsistent and their body is confused. Those people are not giving their bodies and minds the cues they need to wind down from the day and ease into luxurious...

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The Big Daddy by JUVEA featured on Momtrends

Looking for a life hack to get better sleep? Read on to learn what Nicole Feliciano of MomTrends has to say about the new Big Daddy Pillow by JUVEA:   “Here's my go-to sleep hack to give moms a more restful night: get better pillows. Thanks to perimenopause, my sleep has been interrupted and I was finding it hard to get back to sleep after my 3am wake-up. I lowered the temperature in the bedroom and added a new Juvea Big Daddy pillow and have been sleeping blissfully since.  As women we should be in awe of all the shape shifting our bodies go through over the years. When you come to think of it, we are pretty darn amazing. One...

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How Sleep and Nutrition Contribute to Olympic-Level Fitness

All eyes are focused on Tokyo Olympic Village and the world’s finest athletic superstars. Still officially called the “Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games,” the summer Olympics run through August 8, 2021. As fans admire the skills and fortitude of these amazing athletes, many ask: “How do they do it?” The obvious answer is “training.” But, what does that involve? Training is more than just a good coach, determination and long hours of hard work. The excessive activity athletes engage in involves commitment to rigid training routines and good nutrition and sleep habits. This, I believe, starts with a positive attitude, a passion for their sport, and an overall commitment to health and fitness. It doesn’t matter if it’s gymnastics, swimming, track and...

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The Effects of Temperature on Sleep Quality

Sleep is one of the most important functions your body performs, and a great many things impact sleep quality. These include what and when you eat, toxins in the air, and even the color of your bedroom walls. Chief among things that affect sleep is temperature. This includes the temperature of the sleep environment, as well the temperature of your body and bedding. Sleep: Good Vs. Bad Unfortunately, many people know the drastic effects poor sleep can have on the body and mind, in both the short and long term. Just a few nights of tossing and turning can result in memory issues, an inability to concentrate, irritability, stress and the release of stress hormones. Lack of sleep for longer...

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If Sleeping With Your Partner Is Disruptive....

If Sleeping With Your Partner Is Disruptive, Consider the Pros and Cons of Sleeping Apart In classic shows like I Love Lucy and Dick Van Dyke, these “married” couples slept in separate beds. While this was really more about the prevailing television code and censorship rules of the 1950s and 60s, we can take a lesson from shows like these. Separate beds – and even separate bedrooms – can be a good solution for people who are sleep deprived because of their partner’s different or poor sleep habits or physical issues. Why Sleep Is Important Sleep is critical to our well-being. We need restful, restorative sleep for emotional balance, mental clarity and overall health. Good sleep: Supports brain functions, including...

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